Digital Lingerie Calendar 2023
Track your important dates the sexy DIGITAL way! Features 13 sexy and hot lingerie photos. All high-resoluation and professionally taken.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this calendar may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner.
This document is strictly confidential communication to and solely for the use of the recipient and may not be reproduced or circulated without Life with Tania d/b/a Sexy Time with Tania's prior written consent. If you are not the inteded recipient, you may not disclose or use the information and art in this documentation in any way.
Terms and Conditions
Confidential & Copyright
Life With Tania Terms and ConditionsEffective January 1, 2023These Terms and Conditions constitute a legally binding agreement (“Agreement”) made between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity (“You” or “User”) andTania Madurod/b/a Life With Tania, d/b/a Sexy Time with Tania“theSite,” “we,” “us” or “our”)concerning services providedby Life With Tania and any other mediaform, media channel,mobile website or mobile applicationrelated, linked, or otherwiseconnected thereto. The Site Standards and Requirements
By agreeing to and using the Site, you represent, warrant, and agree to the following:
•User is at least 18 years of age.
•The information User submits in User’s registrationform is true, accurate, andcomplete, and User will maintain and update this information during the term of this Agreement so that it remains true, accurate, current, and complete.
•User will not interfere with or disrupt any servers,networks, or equipment inconnection with the Site.
•User will not attempt to gain unauthorized accessto any computer system or networkconnected to the Site.
•User will not transmit, upload, email, post, orotherwise make available through theSite:(a) any junk mail, spam, or unsolicited email or bulletin board postings; (b) anyunlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, racist,harmful, or otherwise objectionable material of any kind; (c) any information ormaterial that infringes a third-party right, including but not limited to intellectualproperty rights and/or privacy rights; (d) any software viruses, Trojan horses, worms, orany other malicious application or code; or (e) any information or material which mayconstitute or encourage conduct that is a criminal offense, a civil wrong, or otherwiseviolates any applicable law.
•User will not violate any applicable laws, rules,regulations, or ethical codes.
•The information you submit in your registration form is true, accurate, and complete,and youwill maintain and update this information during the term of this Agreement sothat itremains true, accurate, current, and complete.
•You will not impersonate any person or entity ormake any false statement regardingyour employment or affiliation with any person or entity.
•You will not expose the Site to malicious firmware/malware.•You will not make false orders or false purchaseson the Site.
•You will not attempt to charge the Site for goodsnot purchased.Personal Information Permitted Disclosures. The Site may disclose User information,including,butnotlimitedto,personalinformation,transcripts,surveys,andrecordings,iftheCompanyreasonablybelieves
thatdisclosure(i)isnecessarytocomplywithalegalprocess(suchasacourtorder,subpoena,search warrant, etc.) or other legal requirement of any governmental authority; (ii) wouldpotentially mitigate the Site liability in an actual or potential lawsuit; (iii) is necessary orappropriate to protect the Site’s rights or property, or the rights or property of any person orentity; (iv) is necessary or appropriate to enforce this Agreement (including, but not limited to,ensuring payment of fees by User), or (v) is necessary to deter illegal behavior (including, butnot limited to, fraud).Your Information.You hereby grant the Site an unlimited,irrevocable, royalty-free license touse, reproduce, edit, copy, transmit, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, createderivative works based on, on a worldwide basis, any information or content that you post,transmit, deliver, or receive via Life with Tania.DisclaimersThe User acknowledges that their participation in the Site may involve risks. The User acceptsfull responsibility for the consequences of their use or non-use of information provided by theOrganizer during the Site. It is the User’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with allpossible risks involved and to use their own judgment and due diligence before using theinformation and practices they receive from the Organizer during the Site. User agrees andacknowledges that the Organizer is not liable for any harm that may come to them due to theirparticipation in the Site.The User hereby agrees to release, forever discharge, and hold harmless the Organizer and theiremployees, agents, teachers, instructors, independent contractors, suppliers and otherrepresentatives, and their heirs, successors and assigns (“Released Parties”) from liability andany claims relating to or caused by the User’s attendance and participation at the Site. The Useragrees that this waiver and release shall be legally binding upon them personally and theirfamily, estate, heirs, successors and assigns.The User further releases the Organizer and other Released Parties for any claim, demand,dispute or other legal action which may arise from the User’s dispute with any other User.User acknowledges that the Organizer is not responsible for the safekeeping of the User’spersonal property while at the Site.Limitation of LiabilityTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SITE SHALL NOT BELIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT,PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS, DATA ORREVENUES, OR OTHER INTANGIBLE LOSSES, RESULTING FROM ANY PARTICPANTATTENDANCE OR SERVICES RENDERED BY THE SITE.Indemnification